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The Rising Threat of Telephone Fraud: How to Protect Yourself

Telephone fraud is a growing menace that affects individuals and businesses worldwide. Scammers use sophisticated tactics to deceive people into giving away personal information, transferring money, or revealing sensitive details. This type of fraud can have devastating financial and emotional impacts, making it crucial to understand the risks and know how to protect oneself.

The Mechanics of Telephone Fraud

Telephone fraud typically involves fraudsters calling individuals and impersonating trusted entities such as banks, government agencies, tech support, or even family members. The aim is to create a sense of urgency or fear, prompting the victim to act quickly without thinking critically. Common tactics include:

  1. Phishing Calls: Scammers pretend to be from a reputable organization, asking for personal or financial information under the guise of verifying account details.
  2. Technical Support Scams: Fraudsters claim there is a problem with the victim’s computer and request remote access or payment for unnecessary repairs.
  3. Lottery or Prize Scams: Victims are told they have won a prize or lottery, but must pay fees or taxes upfront to claim it.
  4. HMRC Scams: Scammers impersonate tax authorities, threatening arrest or legal action if immediate payment is not made.
  5. Emergency Scams: The caller pretends to be a relative in distress, needing money urgently due to an accident or legal trouble.

Who Are the Targets?

While anyone can fall victim to telephone fraud, certain groups are more vulnerable:

While over 55s are most likely to be targeted, those 34 and under are almost five times more likely to fall victim to a scam than their older counterparts*, the charity can reveal.

Younger people were most likely to be targeted by text or messaging service (61%), while those over 55 were most likely to be targeted over the phone (73%).

Impact of Telephone Fraud

The consequences of telephone fraud extend beyond financial loss:

  • Financial Devastation: Victims can lose significant amounts of money, which can be particularly devastating for those on fixed incomes or with limited financial resources.
  • Emotional Distress: Victims often experience feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety, which can lead to a loss of trust in others.
  • Reputational Damage: Businesses that fall prey to fraud can suffer reputational harm, affecting customer trust and loyalty.

Prevention Tips

Protecting yourself from telephone fraud requires vigilance and informed scepticism. Here are some practical tips:

  • Verify the Caller: Always verify the identity of the caller independently before sharing any personal information or making payments. Use official contact numbers found on legitimate websites or documents.
  • Be sceptical: Be cautious of unsolicited calls, especially those requesting personal information, money, or access to your computer. Legitimate organizations typically do not ask for sensitive information over the phone.
  • Do Not Rush: Scammers often create a sense of urgency. Take your time to think through the situation and consult with trusted individuals before taking any action.
  • Use Call Blocking: Utilize technology to block unwanted calls. Many phones and telecom providers offer services to filter out suspected scam calls.
  • Report Fraud: If you suspect you’ve been targeted by a scam, please ALWAYS REPORT IT.

How to report a scam

  • Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline : 0808 223 11 33
  • To report a scam call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040
  • Contact your bank if you think you have been scammed.

If you or someone you know is thinking of giving or sending money in suspicious circumstances call Bromley Trading Standards rapid response team on 07903 852090 first.

This rapid response service is for Bromley residents only; if you live outside the borough, please contact your local Trading Standards department through your local council.


Telephone fraud is a pervasive threat that preys on the trust and vulnerability of individuals. By staying informed about common tactics and adopting preventative measures, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim to these scams. Awareness and vigilance are key in safeguarding against telephone fraud and minimizing its impact on society.

If there is anything we can help you will please let us know

Cllr Mike Jack

Cllr Mark Smith

Cllr Alison Stammers