Last Saturday and at the beginning of this week, there were problems with RingGo in the High Street car park. The app wasn’t working, drivers could not use the phone system – they received a message saying “parking is not available at this time” – and the website said the location did not exist!
At our request, LBB got in touch with RingGo who confirmed that there was a problem with this particular location as it was showing on their system that the system had been suspended from allowing parking sessions! They are trying to find out why this happened in the first place and we will update you once we have more details, however they have confirmed that payment is being accepted again at this location.
Residents were asking us what they should do when there are issues with RingGo. The answer is to please report all issues using the e-form on the Council’s website for any RingGo enquiries, at You can also ring the LBB contact centre on 0300 303 8662.
The Parking Team is arranging for the FAQ page on the website to be updated with this information as it is currently not clear.
The tariff boards within the car parks are also all being changed, as the Council is trying to make it clearer that you can also phone to pay for parking; many residents still believe you can only pay by app. Additional posters will be installed in the car parks advertising there is a facility to pay via phoning rather than the app.
We are also here to help if you are experiencing any issues.
Cllr Mike Jack
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Alison Stammers