Local Issues
Traffic & Safety
War Memorial junction This is probably the key issue for many Chislehurst residents. Despite two big petitions with thousands of local residents’ signatures, the last one being presented to the full Bromley Council on 28th February 2022, there is still no progress towards making the busy junction at Chislehurst War Memorial any easier to cross. Read our update here https://www.chislehurstmatters.com/war-memorial-junction-chislehurst-update/
We understand that it’s on the key route into and out of Bromley and traffic needs to flow, but the safety of pedestrians – particularly the elderly and school children who cross the junction every day – should surely be a high priority. We have been in contact with LBB officers and with the London Assembly on this matter and await an update. As well as a crossing, we have also asked for the installation of cameras to dissuade the many red light jumpers at these lights.
Our goal is to work with ALL relevant parties, putting the politics aside and finding away forward to make this junction safe for the 1000s of pedestrians that cross it weekly. There has been over a decade of discussions, with comments like “Bromley have the safest roads in London” It goes on and on and comments like that dont move anything forward. Meanwhile 1000s of people are putting their lives at risk – what for? Trying to cross a road, to go to school or just going about their daily business. We need to make this a safe journey for everyone in our community. Chislehurst Matters is a proactive party not a reactive party! We care! Enough is enough!
Loop Road/Ashfield Lane 2019 Collision reduction Scheme
Despite proposals being put forward to reduce the collisions on this mini roundabout, no action has yet been taken although we understand the matter is still in train. Once implemented we shall be monitoring to see how effective it is.
Willow Grove/High Street junction
Willow Grove is either backed up with traffic or sees vehicles driving at excessive speeds. We would work with council officers to identify ways in which the issues can be addressed. Several years ago, we were successful in persuading the Council and TFL to put a filter in here. We regularly monitor the phasing’s and alert LBB if they seem to be out for TFL to investigate.
We are determined that should Age UK be redeveloped, a vehicular egress from the Sainsbury’s car park onto the High Street should be created.
Several years ago, we developed a potential scheme with Age UK which we took to Sainsbury’s property board. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful but the scheme still has merits.
White Horse Hill Traffic Island near the Co-Op
Residents who regularly use the island to cross to the Co-Op/Red Hill School have expressed their concerns to us about the dangers they face crossing the road here. To see to cross you often have to step into the road because of the proximity of parked cars which block the line of sight. We are pleased to advise that following our representation to LBB, they have agreed to add this location to their list for investigation.
Traffic speeds and safety
Many of our roads see vehicles travelling well in excess of the speed limit. We will work with the police, Council, local residents, and with schools to work towards better road safety in the surrounding area. We need to ensure more enforcement of those breaking the speed limit as well as other issues like using a mobile whilst driving which we see all the time still.

Cycling and pedestrian safety
We want to encourage more cycling and walking to reduce car use. However, residents tell us it’s frightening to cycle on Chislehurst’s roads with vehicles driving too close and too fast. We also see several cyclists riding on the pavements. Apart from bike racks, there is very little cycling infrastructure in Chislehurst and that has to change.
We also support Bromley Cyclists, which is the local group of the London Cycling Campaign (LCC)
LCC works closely with groups concerned about healthy lifestyles and climate change, including Greener and Cleaner Bromley and Beyond (GCBB) and Bromley Living Streets (BLS).
We support their aim of the development and implementation of an active travel strategy designed, inter alia, to increase the share of cycling from approx. 1.8% of trips to 5% by 2026/27, with continued increases thereafter.

Planning matters
Chislehurst Library
Chislehurst library is a key local resource for hundreds of local residents – and many who come in from outside Chislehurst to use it. We have been actively engaged in this matter since it first came on the market in 2014 and know its history very well. We have been dismayed, however, by LBB’s handling of the matter both in turning its back on the original approved contractor, and the lack of transparency over its subsequent sale to Prime Plc.
We know from the Chislehurst Library Redevelopment Facebook group we created, as well as the survey we conducted, that this is an issue that is of great interest as well as concern to local residents.
If we’re elected, we’d see it is as our job to work with the developers and practices and local residents on its future transformation into a combined library and medical centre.
Declaration: Alison Stammers became chair of the Woodlands Practice and Chislehurst Medical Practice Patient Participation Group in July 2020.
Other High Street developments
We will engage with residents on other local projects such as the redevelopment of the Age UK building and Hornbrook House to ensure that everyone’s views are taken in account. We also continue to use our best efforts to get empty buildings (the Willow Grove corner property and the upper floors of Sainsburys in particular) back into economic use.
As former founder and chair of The Chislehurst Town Team, Alison Stammers has good connections with the relevant parties.
Other planning matters
We will represent without favour on planning applications, licences and advertising consent.
We are particularly concerned about applications to put additional storeys on blocks of flats locally, so called air space developments.
We will strongly defend the Conservation Area, and support The Chislehurst Society to extend it, as well as the Marlings Park Area of Special Residential Character. We will continue to ensure the Chislehurst Shop Front Design Guide we created in 2014 is considered in planning applications.
Telecommunications masts
We will support local residents’ objections against unsightly and extremely large telecoms masks in residential settings.
Chislehurst’s green and built environment is one of the many reasons most of us chose to live here. We will do all we can to protect & enhance our green spaces and protect our heritage.
The threat to part of Walden Woods
Easy access to local open space and woodland is one of the great benefits of living in Chislehurst.
We were therefore astonished to discover the Council are planning to take more of Walden Wood for development than was originally agreed in the Local Plan. Several years ago, Friends of Chislehurst Rec secured Local Green Space for this area and that should be protected. We understand the DfE is currently undertaking a feasibility study for the site. Should this progress to a planning application, we will ensure that residents’ views are put to the relevant council committee in the strongest possible terms so decisions like this don’t simply go through unchallenged.
Edgebury Fields
To keep Edgebury Fields green and free from future building development, working with the relevant parties and really getting the local community involved and engaged in any future plans
Belmont Open Spaces
Continue to help and support the wonderful volunteers – Friends of Belmont Open Space (FoBOS) in maintaining and improving the fields and childrens playground.
Trees planting
We have long been campaigning for more street trees, including in our High Street. We shall continue to push for this and for their aftercare following planting to ensure they thrive.

We do not consider the current recycling arrangements fit for purpose with paper bins without lids, recycling blowing around the streets and the infrequent emptying of the recycling bins in Chislehurst High Street car park, resulting in flytipping and litter.
We have also seen greater fly tipping and dog fowling in the borough yet a lack of prosecutions on this or clear campaign to address this.
In 2016, Bromley Council earmarked a fund or £250,0000 specifically to target flytipping. Up until last summer, they’d only spent £20,000 in five years. If there is money there why don’t they use it?

Eco Matters
Those of us who walk around Chislehurst are only too well aware of exhaust fumes in key areas. We would like to see a significant increase in the number of air monitors in the area so that we have the data to work with on which to base solutions.
Although the Council launched an anti-idling campaign in March 2020 we have seen little evidence of this in Chislehurst. We would wish to reinvigorate the campaign.
We have long been making the case for more EV charging points in the area and for recycling bins in our parks and will continue to press on this.
We know we have some knowledgeable environmental specialists in the area with whom we would actively engage to bring about positive change.
Pot holes
We regularly see pot holes reported on FixMyStreet. We would work with the council to get these filled in more expediently.
Local Economy
As founder member of the Chislehurst Town Team and chair of Visit Chislehurst, we have been actively supporting our local businesses in every possible way for over 10 years.
We will continue to support BR7 businesses as much as we can, including the provision of outdoor seating at Royal Parade, improvements to Local Parades and helping footfall.
Addressing crime and anti social behaviour
We have already had the success of instigating and leading the campaign for cctv on Chislehurst High Street which was finally implemented in 2021. This followed on the back of a successful application by Royal Parade traders for cctv on the parade.
Sadly, the plans to have cctv installed on Belmont Parade, an area which does see ASB from time to time, has stalled. We will resurrect it and work with the traders to get it installed as soon as possible. We will continue to work closely with our Safer Neighbourhood Team and sit on the local Community Advisory Board with police and local residents to address crime and ASB matters, including the current issue of motorcyclists driving recklessly in the area.

Holding contractors to account
Over recent years, Chislehurst has been beset by utility companies regularly digging up key roads to attend to burst mains, new pipes/valves, leaks etc, causing great chaos and often only to return weeks later to repeat the exercise. We will put greater pressure on LBB to hold these companies to account.
We will also hold Bromley contractors to account for the projects they are engaged in in Chislehurst.

Your issues
Over the past few years, we have already helped many residents locally who were struggling to get their issues heard across a whole range of matters, including securing the outdoor seating in Royal Parade; objecting to event and alcohol licence applications; planning developments; yellow lines; crime and ASB matters; and a whole host more.
If you have an issue we can help with, we will certainly try our best. If we can’t, we’ll be honest and say so.
We will fight back against the growing creep of bureaucracy hitting volunteer groups by Bromley Council such as Snow Friends and Park Friends.