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A large number of residents have contacted the Police regarding the anti-social behaviour of motorbike riders riding dangerously and at high speeds through and around Belmont & Scadbury open spaces. The following email is from Bromley Police in regards to those reports. Chislehurst Matters shares the residents’ concerns.

We would urge you to report every incident as this is the best way to get police resources. Get your neighbours too as well if you can. You can do it online after the event if you prefer on

18th March 2022 

Dear Residents,

Firstly please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your emails.

Thank you for all taking the time to email the bikers that are plaguing the local area. I understand your frustration and rest assured we are taking steps to address it.

As a team we have been patrolling the local problem areas, reviewing incidents reported and together with your emails, have identified the following areas where we are seeing a concentration of M/V ASB.

Foxes fields
Elmstead Woods
High street
Belmont Parade
Elmstead Woods

In addition to those listed above, I would ask that you notify us of any other areas where you are seeing regular activity so that we can target our patrols most effectively. Please send your emails/videos/photos to the dedicated mailbox . This mailbox is monitored by the team locally. It’s important to note that we work a shift pattern so as well as passing us any footage/photos you have, please consider dialling 101 (999 in the event of an emergency) so that a unit can be deployed if deemed appropriate by the call handler.

I feel it’s important and only right to share with you some of the challenges we have in addressing this crime type. In order for us to take action, it is crucial that we identify the rider, the vehicle (ideally through a registration plate) or both. This is not always as easy as one would expect. Most bikes do not display VRM plates and the rider’s faces are often covered or we cannot get close enough to identify them. Whilst the law provides us with various powers to address these type of offences, unfortunately there are a number of practical challenges and safety implications associated with attempting to stop them. For example, we are not likely to pursue them, as often they will not be wearing helmets or other protective gear and obviously this poses a safety risk to the riders. Any collision that results from a pursuit will likely place the officer concerned under great scrutiny We have a duty of care to those pursued as well as the officers pursuing. The offences being committed are unlikely to justify the need for a pursuit, particularly when the risks to the rider are so high. With this in mind, our preferred method of tackling these crimes are dealing with the matter retrospectively, at their home address where we can issue them with vehicle ASB warnings or prosecute them for offences where we have the evidence base. If actioned within 24hrs from the time of the offence, this can provide further powers of entry and seizure of the vehicle concerned.

Work we are doing:

  • Targeted patrols will continue in hotspot areas by the local ward teams, we are looking to increase these patrols when we are on duty.
  • We are working with LBB Street Enforcement in the identification of vulnerabilities around our sites, with a view to installing/modifying existing target hardening measures. This also includes updating partners where measures currently in place have been damaged, removed, or circumvented.
  • We are increasing our presence on social media to educate young riders (and parents) with regards legislation/offences and signpost them to legitimate venues where they can ride their bikes legally.

Whilst I appreciate there is no quick fix; in the medium term, I am looking to bid for additional funding for specialist resources from Road Traffic Policing as they possess the vehicles/skills to engage in pursuit. They have off-road capability which is crucial to identifications being made.

Other options being explored are the use of drones to capture offenders on video and DNA spray to tag offenders to prove their involvement when dealt with retrospectively at their home address.

Believe me when I say I share your frustration. This flares up every year as we approach the Spring/Summer and is a headache for all concerned. Rest assured we do take the matter seriously.

Thank you for your patience.

Cllr’s – FYI.

Kind regards,


PC Emma Wakeford

Police Constable 1140SN

Bromley Safer Neighbourhood Team –Chislehurst DWO

Radio: 300113 | Email:  

Address: Bromley Police Station, 1 High Street Bromley, BR1 1ER
