As you’ll recall, there was recently a proposal by the Council to introduce charges for Blue Badge holders parking in its car parks.
(See page 111 in this report (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee, 20/11/2024 19:00)
The rationale for the introduction of the charge was that it would raise c £50k a year in additional parking fees.
However, with the absence of any data to determine existing usage of Blue Badge bays in the car parks, or to measure the financial impact accurately, we think this is at best a guestimate and flawed.
Yes, the Council’s financial position is worsening, but we don’t think it’s worth penalising and making life so much more difficult for disabled residents.
At the meeting, we expressed our dismay that there had been no Equality Impact Assessment (EIA), nor any consultation with residents.
According to officers, there are 11,000 Blue Badges in the borough so charges will affect a lot of residents, plus of course Blue Badge holders who come into the borough to use our shops and businesses and help our local economy.
Along with other opposition councillors, we voted against this and other resolutions, but it was passed by the majority administration.
After further considering responses from Councillors on the Committee, we are pleased that the Portfolio Holder made the decision that the resolution relating to Blue Badges should be subject to the outcome of an EIA. That EIA is currently being drafted by an equality champion in a different department to Parking Services to maintain impartiality, objectivity and independence.
We’ve been encouraging anyone affected by these proposals to share their views, and have passed these responses to Parking Services. We’ve been assured that they have been given to the equality champion for consideration as part of the EIA.
A 33-page draft report has now been produced, although we have not been given a copy yet.
We understand one of the recommendations is the need for a full consultation programme to be carried out to obtain a diverse range of opinions from various parties, including but not limited to Disabled Badge Holder associations (national and local), as well as actual badge holders and other affected parties.
Obviously, we’re delighted this will now happen, but it’s sad that this did not take place before a paper was ever submitted to Environment Committee in November.
Better late than never we suppose!
We’ll share details as soon as we have them and would ask residents and charity groups respond, even if they have done so before, to ensure their voice is fully heard and the impact of this potential charge is spelt out to decision makers.
If the consultation is concluded in time, the final version of the EIA, as well as the results of the public consultation, will be presented to Environment Committee on 13th March 2025.
We shall communicate the recommendations as soon as the papers are made public about a week before. Residents are welcome to attend the committee meeting if they so wish.
In the meantime, please take a look at a petition set up by an Orpington resident and sign it if you can. LINK HERE.
There are now nearly FOUR THOUSAND signatures and you can see from some of the many comments the effect this proposal will have on some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Cllr Mike Jack
Cllr Mark Smith
Cllr Alison Stammers